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Image by Maya Maceka

Hybrid Church Services

Our Sunday service is at 10.30am and is hybrid church service - a mixture of meeting at our building and online.


We're meeting together at our church building but we know that not everyone can, or will want to, come to the building. So you can also join our services via YouTube. We hope that everyone will feel included whether you are joining us online or in the building.


If you're interested in joining us on YouTube then please contact us. If you'd like to join us in the building read on for more info.


Sunday Services at the Church Building

Although all the legal restrictions have been lifted we do still have some guidelines to make our church meetings Covid-19 secure. This means that we are not quite back to normal (whatever that was!) and our services will still be a bit shorter, we ask everyone who can to wear a face covering and our seating is more spaced out. We recognise that for many of us it's going to feel very odd coming back to the building or with things not being "normal" so please bear with us and with each other.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend but we will need to keep your details for 21 days for the NHS Track and Trace. Contact us if you want to chat some more about coming to a service.


For more detailed information about what to expect and to view our risk assessment click below.



If you know someone who doesn’t have a computer, smartphone or tablet or who struggles with online things, they can still listen to the weekly message by phoning 020 8016 2434.


Calls are charged at a local rate so will be free for most people as part of their phone package but please do check before dialling in.


Youth & Children

Our youth and children's groups meet at our church building. Junior Church, for children at nursery and primary school meet during our Sunday morning services. The youth group, for young people at secondary school, meets on Tuesday evenings during term time.

Keep in touch


Facebook Page

Our public Facebook page will be the place where we post updates and if you are not a regular attender of BRBC is probably the best way to keep in touch.

Click on the link below to go to the page.

Image by Tim Bennett

Facebook Group

Our private Facebook group is for BRBC members and attenders only. If you're part of our church then this is great way to stay connected to others in the church.

Click below to join the group.

Image by Webaroo


We send out a regular email newsletter to members and attenders of our church.

If do not already receive this and would like to please click on the link below to sign up.

For local advice and guidance during this coronavirus crisis a good place to visit is Waltham Forest council's webpage. The page is regularly updated and has some helpful links.


For information about how you can look after yourself and others please visit the NHS website.


If you would like help or support, physically or spiritually, please get in touch and we will do all we can.


Blackhorse Road Baptist Church

65 Blackhorse Road



E17 7AS


Registered Charity No.1154906


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© 2017 Blackhorse Road Baptist Church

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