About Us
We’re a community of people from all age, cultures and backgrounds living and working in Waltham Forest who have come together because we believe God loves our world so much he sent Jesus, and we want to celebrate that together and share God's love in Walthamstow.
For more about what we believe, click here.
Our Story
Blackhorse Road Baptist Church has been around since 1898 when a small group of Baptists wanted to share the good news about Jesus with people in the Blackhorse Road area of Walthamstow. They originally met in what was fondly known as ’The Tin Tabernacle’ by church members, with the present building being built in 1932.
Over more than 100 years, the church has served many hundreds of people through regular services and Sunday Schools, been home to many other organisations with a Christian basis, such as the Band of Hope, Crusaders, Scouts and Guides, and, along with other churches in the area, has helped to establish services such as the Christian Kitchen and Forest Churches Emergency Night Shelter which still help those in need today.
Lots has changed over the years but we recognise we are the latest in a long line of Christian believers meeting here and seek to build on the faith of those who have gone before to serve our local community with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the heart of all we do.